Estonian Modern .
We are very happy. Our graphics were chosen for the exhibition ESTONIA MANIA > Estonian Design Exhibition 'Estonian Modern' in Marseille, France > 15.12.2018 - 13.01.2019. Size Doesn't Matter.

design market
Yay, Helsinki .
We have been chosen to Ornamon Design Joulu 2018 market. Design Market is held in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland. Save the dates > 7.12 - 9.12.2018.

Design Awards
FOLD Set .
We are so happy that our brand new products - FOLD serving and cutting boards - are nominated for Estonian Product Design Awards BRUNO 2018. Designed by Triin Maripuu, www.triinmaripuu.design.

design market
See You in Helsinki .
You are welcome to Helsinki Design Market in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland. Save the dates > 8.09 - 9.09.2018 and see you there!

New Shop
The Cloud Shop .
Up in the sky > You can now find Minumo products on board Nordica flights, Estonian Airline. Have a great flight and happy shopping!

design market
Jõuluks Koju .
See you in Kultuurikatel! Eesti Disainikeskuse traditsiooniline jõulueelne DISAINITURG 'Jõuluks koju' annab taas võimaluse jätta jõulukingitused viimasele minutile ja osta need 17. detsembril kell 11-19 Kultuurikatlast. Eesti disain jõulukotti 110'lt disainerilt.

design market
See You in Helsinki .
Save the dates > 9.0-10.09.2017 > You are welcome to Helsinki Design Market in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland. See you there, Minumo.